Sunday, August 11, 2013

Malaysia Quick release lightweight wheelchair 快拆轮子轻型轮椅 Kerusi roda ringan roda senang ditanggalkan

Quick release lightweight wheelchair
Kerusi roda ringan roda senang ditanggalkan


 22 inch pneumatic wheel
6 inch PVC castor
 Handle grip & Hand brake
 Drop Back Handle
 Armrest pad
 Cross bar
 Quick Release Axle
   Quick Release Axle
 Drop Back Handle
  Drop Back Handle
Quick release axle & Drop back handle

Quick release lightweight wheelchair offer performance and convenience features.
Convenience features like drop back handle , and quick release axle allows this wheelchair to be easily inserted into small-sized car boot such as MYVI . Furthermore with its 13.8kg wheel aluminium frame , taking this wheelchair out and about is a breeze .
 *垫手脚板及 轮胎可折轮椅,方便携带出外,小型车子也轻易装得进。